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Challenging Contact Lenses

For many, having a great contact lens experience seems easy.
We excel where others leave off.

Dry eyes

Too Dry?

The most common reason folks stop wearing their contacts is end of day discomfort. With advances in technology, lens materials, and medications, we can tailor a strategy for you.
lasik eye

SURGERY Imperfect?

It's uncommon, but we've handled complications from LASIK, Cataract surgery, pterygium, vehicle accidents, explosions, and more!
person with brown eye


Imperfect eyes can wear contact lenses, too! We can custom make contact lenses to be compatible with shunts, blebs, implants, scars, and more!
Eaglet Eye topographer


We have Richmond's first (and we think *only*) scleral profilometer. This allows us to 3-D map the front of your eye and create truly UNIQUE lenses for our patients. Even better? They're covered under many insurance plans.

Scleral Lenses


Scleral contact lenses are the ultimate contact lens technology.  These specialized contact lenses are larger than typical soft lenses and uniquely designed to vault over the cornea, resting comfortably on the white part of the eye (the sclera). Here’s why they matter:

  1. Visual Improvement: Scleral lenses can significantly enhance vision for individuals with conditions like keratoconus, post-corneal transplant, or high prescriptions. They provide a clear view by correcting surface imperfections, such as irregular astigmatism.

  2. Corneal Protection: For those dealing with issues like dry eye, neurotrophic keratopathy, or incomplete eyelid closure, scleral lenses act as a protective shield. They prevent direct contact with the sensitive cornea, reducing discomfort and promoting healing.

  3. Cosmetics: In cases of disfigurement, scleral lenses can be hand-painted. Additionally, they reduce glare for individuals with aniridia or albinism outside.

Key Benefits

  • Comfort: Unlike traditional rigid gas-permeable lenses, scleral lenses rest on the sclera, sparing the cornea from direct pressure.
  • Corneal Distortion: By avoiding contact with the cornea, these lenses reduce mechanical stress on the eye tissue.
  • Larger Optic Zone: The generous lens size allows for better stability and less risk of dislodging.

Scleral lenses combine the superior vision performance of rigid gas permeable lenses with the comfort akin to soft contact lenses, making them an excellent choice for individuals with irregular corneas.

Why see us

We have the area's first and only scleral profilometer.  This allows us to take 3D-like mappings of the eye to customize these lenses down to 10um (microns).  This eliminates about 5 visits, saving you time and money.


Like anything, insurance may or may not cover these lenses and their associated services.  Our team are experts with benefits and pre-certifications.  Their role is to advocate for you.

LASIK & Surgical Comanagement

What Is Co-Management?
LASIK laser
Co-management is when the optometrist provides pre- and post-operative care. Your surgeon expects us to handle questions, concerns, and ongoing care both before your surgery and afterward! Should there be anything we cannot handle, your surgeon is on standby for you (and us)!
The Relationship matters

You know we know... We've known you and your families for years. We also know the experiences of our many patients.

Surgeons specialize in surgery. We specialize in everything else.

Just as important, we're more convenient.

Who should I see for my surgery?
You can and should see whomever you prefer to see. Not all surgeons comanage their patients. We work closely with several convenient and talented offices around Richmond.

Medical Eye Care

Is an eye exam ... just an eye exam?
"Normal" eyes are great, but we love the complex cases, too!.

dry eye

Dry Eye

Screens, diet, stress, age, and medications have resulted in more dry eye than ever.  Finding the root cause is the key to managing this chronic condition.

Common causes?

  • Blepharitis (Demodex mites)
  • Contact Lenses (change brands!)
  • Evaporative (blowing air)
  • Eyelid dysfunction (oil glands)
  • Hormone Changes (happy birthday!)
  • Inflammation (rosacea)
  • Medications (ultra common)
diffraction from cataract


Driving at night starting to become stressful?  Need more light to see things these days?

The natural lens inside the eye may have become cloudy.  You may be experiencing the effects of cataracts.

This is one of the most common, most safe, and most beneficial procedures you will ever experience.

simulated effect of glaucoma on vision


Occasionally the drain system inside the eye misbehaves leading to nerve damage.  This is painless and the damage is permanent.

With over 2 million nerves connecting your eyes to the brain, seeing subtle changes is only possible with ultra-specialized equipment - WHICH WE HAVE!

We manage all glaucoma in-house unless and until there's a need for laser or surgical therapy.

model eye cutout with retina

Diabetes, AMD + Other Retina

There are 10 layers of wallpaper inside that see the world.  The retina is just microns thick and can detach, blister, bleed, degenerate, get infected, or become inflamed.

Careful and frequent monitoring allows us to photograph, measure, and intervene at the best opportunity.